Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom is a TV show on Dave. A drama following Joshua Cody, who is drawn into a dark world in California funded by criminal activities. The program has been available since 2024. A total of 6 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in December 2024.
Last broadcast:07/12/2024 at 01:10
Last episode
Animal Kingdom
Smurf tries to keep the family intact when Pope tests positive for drugs, Baz convinces his brother to rob a house as part of his plan, and J faces a moral dilemma.
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Smurf wants to know if the boys are playing by her rules as they gear up for Pope's birthday, and J learns more about his mother's estrangement from the family.
Baz and Craig deal with old associates in Mexico, and Pope takes charge and ropes Deran and J into a job without Smurf's knowledge.
The Codys deal with the aftermath of a heist, Smurf sends her boys to tie up loose ends, and Baz and Pope's rivalry continues to grow as J is caught in the middle.
When his mother dies of a drug overdose, Joshua Cody moves in with his estranged grandmother in California and is drawn into a dark world funded by criminal activities.