Casualty 24/7: Every Second Counts

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Casualty 24/7: Every Second Counts

Patients include 87-year-old Ralph, who is struggling to breathe.

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Series 8
Wojcieches suffers an epileptic seizure at work. Thomas has a ring stuck on his finger.
Sam arrives with serious burns and needs to be doused with water to stop them spreading.
Series 7
Following the dedicated team at Barnsley A&E who need to be ready for anything.
A patient with a stomach ache suddenly goes into labour.
A Covid spike hits Barnsley Casualty and with positive cases flooding in, pressure mounts.
The heatwave adds to the stress at Barnsley Casualty.
Series 6
It's another busy day for the casualty team with patient numbers unusually high.
For the first time since the Covid pandemic hit, the staff can finally remove their masks.
The pace at Barnsley Casualty is relentless as they take the overflow of other hospitals.
It's another relentless shift at Barnsley casualty and running the hub is Sister Jane.
The first heatwave of summer has hit Barnsley, adding pressure for sister Jane.
There's a new matron in charge at Barnsley Casualty today: it's Hannah's first day.
The staff at Barnsley casualty are enjoying an unusually peaceful start to the day.
At Barnsley casualty, there's no movement on the wards and no patient flow.
At the start of her shift, Sister Jane loses count of how often the emergency phone rings.
Tthe dedicated team at Barnsley A&E need to be ready for anything and everything.
Juggling a back-log of walk-in patients and a flowing stream of new ambulance emergencies.
Gavin wakes up with a sore neck after having fallen down the stairs.
The flow of patients at Barnsley Casualty is relentless and today staff are under pressure