Fred Dibnah's Industrial Age

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Fred Dibnah's Industrial Age

Fred Dibnah recalls the golden age of shipbuilding, examining the skills of engineers who made Britain one of the leading manufacturing nations.

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Series 1
Fred Dibnah visits the North East to explore the development of Britain's railways, from the first steam locomotives to the record-breaking Mallard.
A tour of Britain's mining heritage takes Fred Dibnah from Cornwall to Scotland, where he visits lead, slate, tin and coal extraction sites.
Fred Dibnah continues his exploration of this country's industrial legacy. He comes across a rolling mill which he remembers once operating in Bolton.
Fred Dibnah meets ex-workers to discover what life was like in the textile mills and factories that thrived in Britain during the Industrial Revolution.
Fred Dibnah sets out on an enthusiastic tour of Britain's industrial heritage, exploring the early use of wind and water power.