Teenage Euthanasia

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Teenage Euthanasia

(adult swim) Brand new series - A Very Fantasy Vacation: While Tender Endings is fumigated, the family take a vacation. But Trophy's uneven eyebrows threaten to ruin everything. (S2 Ep10)

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Series 2
(adult swim) Brand new series - A Waist-Down Ghost Town Shut Down: With Trophy's help, billionaire Ref Mazos opens a death fulfilment centre, putting local funeral homes at risk. (S2 Ep9)
(adult swim) Brand new series - It Happening!!! (Jellybean's Birthday): Annie is finally becoming a woman, which in the Fantasy family means she's got her teratoma. (S2 Ep8)
(adult swim) Brand new series - A League of His Own: Pete coaches an ultra-muscular fatherless little-league baseball team while Trophy tries to woo a wealthy serial widower. (S2 Ep7)
(adult swim) Brand new series - Viva La Flapanista!: Pete longs to restore his foreskin. Trophy and Annie get trapped in a dangerous fringe therapist's deadly game. (S2 Ep6)
(adult swim) Brand new series - CARS 4: Pete has to drive a former mob limousine named Vic after totalling the hearse. (S2 Ep5)
(adult swim) Brand new series - Sexually Educated: When the hologram teachers go on strike, Pete, Trophy and Baba take over. To Annie's horror, Trophy is now her sex ed teacher. (S2 Ep4)
(adult swim): Brand new series - Radio Frankenstein: Trophy tries for viral video fame with her new butt-enhancing leggings. Baba fills in for a recently deceased morning-show DJ. (S2 Ep3)
(adult swim): Brand new series - Mother's Day: Annie's high school impregnates students with practice robo-babies to deter pregnancy. Pete's Mother's Day plans land him in danger. (S2 Ep2)
(adult swim) Brand new series - Remember Fun?: Follow the owners of Tender Endings funeral home in a near-future Florida. Pete, Baba and Goat get stuck together with corpse glue. (S2 Ep1)