Waffle The Wonder Dog

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Waffle The Wonder Dog

Gram and Grand visit. Waffle loves Gram; he’ll only leave his new doggy doormat on her command. Everyone sings Simon’s new song and Waffle uses his doormat to stop Gram leaving.

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Series 2
Preschool comedy drama series. Simon recalls the first time he met Waffle as a pup and how the Wonder Dog became part of the Brooklyn-Bell family.
Series 1
Preschool comedy drama series. On Waffle's last day at the Brooklyn-Bells', Simon hears the puppy speak. Will he now agree that the family should keep the special dog?
Series 3
Gramps teaches Waffle to read and stages a garden performance to showcase Waffle’s new talent. Jelly digs under the fence to join in, causing a surprise entrance from Mrs Hobbs.
Series 2
Preschool comedy drama series. It's Waffle's birthday and Mr Willow throws a huge party for him. But Ruby's dog, Jelly, leads the Wonder Dog astray.
Series 1
Preschool comedy drama series. Evie, Doug and their friends go out to play in their new ball pit, but Waffle can't join in because he's not toilet trained.
Series 3
Evie forgets her reading book, so Waffle takes it to her at school. As Waffle reaches the playground, he sees Evie’s PE class and is desperate to join in.
Series 2
Preschool comedy drama series. The Brooklyn-Bells call on Mrs Hobbs to persuade her not to move house, only to find that her cat, George, has fleas.
Series 1
Preschool comedy drama series. It's time to say goodbye to the puppy. Evie goes with Jess to her veterinary practice to scan Waffle's microchip.
Series 3
Gramps, Evie and Waffle arrive home with Ruby and Jelly for a playdate just as a thousand, accidentally ordered, toilet rolls are delivered to Mrs Hobbs’s house next door.
Series 2
Preschool comedy drama series. Waffle is not allowed to go on a family camping trip but accidentally goes on a different adventure.
Series 1
Preschool comedy drama series. The family spend their first night together, but they and their neighbours are kept awake by Waffle's constant barking.
Series 3
Waffle loves playing in a maze of cushions at Connie’s house, so Simon builds a maze at the Brooklyn-Bells’ home. But Waffle learns that reading can be just as fun as noisy play.
Series 2
Preschool comedy drama series. When Jess takes Evie for her first school visit, Waffle goes along too. He tries to behave, but it's hard for a Wonder Dog!
Series 1
Preschool comedy drama series. A newlywed family discover a lost puppy hiding among their wedding presents. Daughter Evie wants to keep him and call him Waffle.
Series 3
Mrs Hobbs supervises Waffle at the Brooklyn-Bell house. Waffle wants to join Evie at school and tries to escape. Later, the family look at photos and Evie asks about her birth dad.
Series 2
Preschool comedy drama series. Waffle discovers he has a talent for painting Mrs Hobbs's cat, George, and decides it could be a way to get in her good books.
Series 3
While her kitchen dries out Mrs Hobbs is at the Brooklyn-Bells' house with George. Waffle joins the walk to school on Evie’s first day but causes playground chaos and is sent home.
Series 2
Preschool comedy drama series. Doug's tooth has fallen out, so Jess and Simon tell Waffle about the Tooth Fairy.
Series 3
Waffle has accidentally flooded Mrs Hobbs’s kitchen and she’s furious. Jess and Simon mop up while Waffle, with Doug and Evie’s help, makes George a special new bed to say sorry.