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Short film about the stoats that live in the grounds of Kedleston Hall, Derbyshire, where they raise their young in an old walled garden.

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July 2024
Natural history short. Newborough forest, on the edge of the west coast of Anglesey in north Wales, is home to one of the biggest raven roosts in Europe.
June 2024
The Eden Project is a world of different habitats created in a single Cornish quarry and probably the unlikeliest place to find the robin. So why have they set up home there?
Wildlife cameraman Gordon Buchanan returns to where he grew up, the Isle of Mull, to find out what makes the island such a paradise for the magnificent white-tailed sea eagle.
May 2024
As the spring sunshine melts the snow and ice on a lake which is a stop-off point for 10,000 migrating cranes, the birds start to do an unforgettable dance.
Each year the eider ducklings of Inner Farne undertake a great trek across the island. Narrated by Simon King.