Classic Emmerdale

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Classic Emmerdale

Robert pursues his vendetta against Andy by spiking his beer in the Woolpack.

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Series 34
Alice prepares to go after being hurt by Sam, and Zoe gets good news from her solicitor.
Alice arrives in the village with shocking news, and a row erupts between Zoe and Scott.
Zoe enters a 'not guilty' plea in court and threatens to deny Scott access to Jean.
Jasmine's behaviour causes friction, and Steph takes in Adam as a lodger.
Debbie comes to blows with Jasmine, and Sam agrees to give Alice a call.
Sam turns up at the Dingle house, and Marlon spots a competition judge in the Woolpack.
When Emily has had enough of Paddy, Debbie suggests that she move in with the Dingles.
Sadie taunts Louise about her break-up, and Paddy picks up an attractive woman.
Louise receives a humiliating rejection from Matthew, and Delilah's jilted fiance arrives.
Cain stuns Sadie and leaves Matthew to offer her sympathy, and a new Dingle arrives.
Cain teases Sadie, and Matthew chafes under Louise's attempts to impose domesticity.
A financially embarrassed Paddy asks Emily if he can move back in with her.
Zoe is granted bail, and Laurel's efforts to win Jasmine over seem doomed to failure.
Zoe is charged with attempted murder, and Ashley suggests that Laurel befriend Jasmine.
Zoe is arrested when Scott emerges from his coma, and Laurel returns to the village.
Zoe makes an admission to Ashley, and Matthew makes a show of standing by Louise.
Terry's pent-up rage explodes, and Donna resorts to deception for the cooking competition.
Diane tells Terry the truth about Louise and Matthew's affair.
Louise ends her relationship with Terry, and Jimmy fails to enlist Cain as an ally.