Endeavour is a drama series on ITV1. Stylish prequel to Colin Dexter’s Inspector Morse, starring Shaun Evans. In the social upheaval of the 60s & 70s, a young Morse hones his detective skills on the streets of Oxford. The popular program has been available since 2024. A total of 9 episodes have been broadcast, most recently in August 2024.
Last broadcast:03/08/2024 at 22:00Genres: Drama series Series
Last episode
Oxford city police are baffled by the shock death of an artist in a house fire.
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DC Endeavour Morse heads back to duty - drawn in by a vanishing bus conductress.
Series 2
The death of a journalist threatens to expose past horrors, and the race is on.
A murderer haunts the city by strangling married women with a silk stocking.
Endeavour and DI Thursday head to a haunted girls' school to investigate murder.
Series 1
Endeavour is unconvinced that the murder of a factory worker is an open-and-shut case.
Series 5
The auction of a Fabergé egg at an Oxford college coincides with a series of murders.