Fred & Pete's Treasure Tales

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Fred & Pete's Treasure Tales

Fred and Pete find a piece of metal cable and discover how cables under the sea were once used for sending messages around the world and are still part of the internet today.

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Series 1
Pete and Fred hear an amazing song at the harbour and discover it's a sea shanty, a type of song used by sailors to help them work together at sea. They even write a shanty of their own.
Fred and Pete find an unusual metal ball on a beach and discover that it's from the ancient Cornish sport of hurling. They're later invited to join the local team.
Fred and Pete get tangled in some orange netting on the beach, which starts them off on a seal spotting adventure. They even get to go to a seal’s birthday party!
Fred and Pete find a spiky tropical fruit that leads them to the Eden Project and a discovery of how plants grow in other countries. They even get to zip wire into the tropical dome!
Fred and Pete discover a model of a little person, visit a strange alien landscape and hunt for magical Cornish piskies - creatures who love playing tricks as much as Pete!
Fred and Pete find a wooden plank on a beach, which leads them to discover the history of Cornish surfing, how boards are made and how surf rescuers keep people safe in the water.
Fred and Pete find a shield with a dragon on it and visit an ancient castle to discover the legend of King Arthur and meet Merlin the Wizard, who teaches them how to be brave.
Whilst practicing magic tricks, Fred finds a chisel that leads him and Pete on an adventure to a quarry and to the Minack - an amazing theatre built into the rocks on a clifftop.
Fred and Pete find a flag in an old chest, leading them to a buccaneering ship adventure, dressing up as pirates and hunting for gold and silver coins.
Fred and Pete discover a ring of flowers and find out all about the Flora Day festival in Helston. They even get to sing and dance along to a special song called the Hal-an-Tow.
Fred and Pete find a treasure that's out of this world - the moon! Their space adventure sees them launch a rocket, train to be astronauts and visit the biggest dish in Cornwall!