Warbird Workshop

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Warbird Workshop

At St Athan in Wales, engineer John Sparks and his team of ex-Navy and RAF engineers begin the task of reassembling the Czech-built jet from nine parts delivered by lorry.

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Series 1
A group of amateur pilots find their light plane has a glorious war record - and launch an ambitious project to rebuild the Piper Cub and restore its military markings.
A team of engineers fight to return a veteran Westland Wessex helicopter to the skies - 30 years after its last flight.
A US Army Air Force C47 that dropped paratroopers on D-Day is at the centre of one of the UK's most ambitious warbird rebuilds.
On the legendary Battle of Britain airfield at Biggin Hill, a dedicated team of young engineers restore to flight a Spitfire that fought over Europe in 1944.